Riley ROS Hand spliced snooker cue (R58-1ROS)


Riley ROS R58 Hand-spliced snooker cue

This is another high quality Hand-spliced butt jointed snooker cue from the Riley ROS Series  and is one of the best value cues to come out from the Riley brand of cues for a very long time. The cue has a slightly higher butt-joint just above the splicing for a more forward balanced cue. The quality of the splicing and the selected ash shaft is equal to that of a cue costing nearly twice as much. We are offering this cue with a FREE mini-butt and an optional professional telescopic Blueray cue extension which is only available for Blue Moon Leisure.. See below for more details.

Optional Blueray Professional telescopic cue extension

The original and the best, as seen on the T.V used by the world’s top players. Tick box to include.


Cue Specifications
Tip Size – 9.5 mm for snooker
Weight –  medium, normally 18 to 19 oz’s. If you have a preferred weight please advise and we will select the one closest
Shaft – Straight grained selected Ash
Butt – Hand Spliced Rosewood with hardwood splices and veneers
Extensions – FREE MIni Butt – Optional Blueray professional Blueray extending extension at reduced price if bought at the same time.

This is another high quality Hand-spliced butt jointed snooker cue from the Riley ROS Series  and is one of the best value cues to come out from the Riley brand of cues for a very long time. The cue has a slightly higher butt-joint just above the splicing for a more forward balanced cue. The quality of the splicing and the selected ash shaft is equal to that of a cue costing nearly twice as much. We are offering this cue with a FREE mini-butt and an optional professional telescopic Blueray cue extension which is only available for Blue Moon Leisure.


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