Advise on buying a pool cue

Chushdy blueA question we often get asked by customers who are not familiar with cue sports and are buying a cue for a friend or partner is what is the difference between snooker cues and pool cues.

There is no reason why you can not play pool with a snooker cue, but the smaller tip size of a pool cue can give the player more ball control, and therefore improve their game.

At many of our customers have told us that the advise we have given them has helped them buy the right cue, and as there are many different styles of snooker cues and pool cues to pick from, there are many things to consider if you want to buy the most suitable cue for your game.

Snooker cues have been made for over 100 years, and the shape, weight, and design of snooker cues had changed little until the last 20 years, and the same can be said for pool cues.  Joints have now been added, and cue extensions invented to push on or screw on. Even telescopic snooker cues and pool cues have become a familiar sight in many snooker and pool clubs.Silver Cueplus 45 open and closed with lines

Pool cues and snooker cues  may also differ in design depending on where they are produced, and on what cue sport they are being used for. Just as snooker cues are different to pool cues, it would not be practical to use the same pool cues for English Pool (8 Ball) as you would do for American Pool (9 Ball).

American pool tables are bigger, and players use bigger balls so American pool cues have tip sizes that are bigger, normally 12mm to 13mm compared to English Pool Cues which are between 8mm and 9mm.

The materials and designs of the American and English Pool Cues are also traditionally different. The American Pool Cues have a Plastic or Fibre ferrule, where-as the English will have a brass ferrule. Incidentally, snooker cues were once used without ferrules at all, which were only added in later years to strengthen the shaft and prevent shortening when re-tipping.

English pool cues usually are made with ash or maple shafts, with spliced hardwoods in the butts. American pool cues can have very intricate inlays and wrapped Irish Linen on the butt that gives them a very different appearance to English pool cues, and normally have Maple shafts.

When we use the term `English Pool` we do not use this term discriminately against the Welsh, Irish or Scottish pool players. `English Pool` is what the 8 ball game is referred to, in just the same way American 9 ball is referred to in Canada, where it is very popular indeed.  The French also have a very strong following for the game of `English Pool` and compete well in the World Championships.

As well as English pool cues and American pool cues having different size tips, different ferrules, and different style butts, they also have different tapers on the shafts, with the American pool cues having a longer parallel shaft.

For players who prefer the traditional hand-spliced and machine-spliced pool cues with 8mm tips and 8.5mm tips, (Click Here for models and prices) .

Because English Pool leagues are mostly played in pubs, where the space might be restricted, some pool players prefer pool cues with joints in the butt of the cue so that the cues can be made shorter in tight spaces. Telescopic pool cues are very useful in these venues and are becoming more popular with pool players because of the advantages they offer.

(Click Here for more information on telescopic pool cues)    

We have the widest selection of pool cues available. If you are having problems in deciding though, do not hesitate to contact us and we will be pleased to help you.

Phone 01271 864922 or e-mail

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